AeroPress Coffee & Espresso Maker
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Product Details
AeroPress™, an entirely new way to brew coffee. Make great regular coffee, espresso or lattes right in camp. Life's too short to drink bad coffee. If you like coffee, you'll love your AeroPress!
- Outdoor Gear Lab gave the AeroPress a Top Pick Award for 2012. Of the coffee makers in its testing, "The AeroPress came out as the distinct taste winner..."
- Hot, not boiling, water is mixed with the grounds for only 10 seconds, extracting the richest flavor with lower acidity and without bitterness.
- Then, gentle air pressure pushes the brew through a micro-filter in about 20 seconds.
- Brew up to four shots of super-smooth espresso at a time. Dilute with hot water for a great cup of regular coffee or with milk for an excellent latte.
- Cleanup is a snap. Eject the "puck" of spent grounds and rinse or wipe the plunger to remove the coffee oils.
- Lightweight, indestructible and totally portable, the AeroPress is great for the outdoors person who wants to enjoy the same great coffee out in the wilds that they get at their favorite coffee shop.
- Comes with 350 micro-filter papers (that can be rinsed and reused), a coffee measuring scoop, stirrer and funnel for adding coffee ground to the AeroPress.
- The AeroPress isn't just for camp coffee. You'll find that it's the only way you want to make coffee at home too.
- And why pay $3.00 or more for a coffee drink when you can now quickly and easily make as good a cup, or better, at home for mere pennies! Use the money you save to buy more boating gear!
- Made in the U.S., by the same people who brought you the amazing Aerobie® Flying Ring!
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Weight: | 18 oz |
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