Merciless Eden Book

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Product Details

Merciless Eden, by Doug Tims, tells the story of the pioneers, good people and shady characters who carved out homesteads and lifestyles along Idaho's wild Salmon River.
  • If you've floated down the Main Salmon River you've seen Campbell's Ferry on the river maps, and you may have stopped for a visit.
  • The book reveals the history of Campbell's Ferry and the true story behind its most famous resident, Frances Zaunmiller.
  • It also covers the history of the surrounding wilderness lands and the battles to protect them.
  • Doug Tims, CEO of Maravia Rafts and Cascade Outfitters, was also a river outfitter on the Middle Fork of the Salmon and Selway Rivers.
  • Doug and his wife Phyllis bought the Campbell's Ferry Ranch and have spent years lovingly caretaking the property and recording its history.
  • It took hardy,resourceful (and perhaps a tad crazy) people to settle in this huge wilderness area.
  • Doug has done a great job of capturing the people and the place. If you like tales of rivers, wildness and colorful characters, you'll love this book.
Author: Doug Tims
Copyright: 2013
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 384


Subject Matter:
  • Stories
Author: Doug Tims
Copyright: 2013
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 384

