Whitewater of the Southern Appalachians Volume 1 The Plateau Book

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Product Details

Whitewater of the Southern Appalachians Volume 1: The Plateau Book offers detailed descriptions and beta for more than 150 streams west of the Tennessee River, an area known as the Cumberland Plateau.
  • The author, Kirk Eddlemon, and a dedicated group of fellow kayakers, have spent years exploring the many streams of the region.
  • The book covers the well-known classic runs, as well as dozens of little-known jewels.
  • Each chapter, covering a drainage, includes a detailed map showing roads and topographical features.
  • The runs give a step-by-step description of the major rapids, their names and suggested moves and dangers.
  • A "beta box" on each described run gives the run's class (I-VI), the subjective quality (1-5 star system), length in miles, put-in location, take out location, elevation, gradient, gauge location, levels, rain gauge, drainage area, and type of shuttle.
  • Precise directions for put-in, take out and shuttle are given.
  • Volume 2 of Whitewater of the Southern Appalachians (Item # 65073.01) covers more than 230 streams in the mountainous region east of the Tennessee River.
  • The book is richly illustrated with color photos and full of descriptions of geology, info on chasing rain and stories from and about colorful characters.
Author: Kirk Eddlemon
Copyright: 2014
Size: 6 1/2" x 9"
Pages: 296


Subject Matter:
  • Guidebooks
Subject Location: Southeast
Author: Kirk Eddlemon
Copyright: 2014
Size: 6 1/2" x 9"
Pages: 296

